Your Guide to Hebrew Learning, Aliyah Resources & Visiting Israel |
Hebrew Self-Study I
Hebrew Courses I
Aliyah & Visiting Israel I
Subsidised Ulpanim in Israel
Hebrew Self-Study
Ulpanet Hebrew Courses at 3 Levels: Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced
Accredited by Israel's Ministry of Education and by far the best-value Hebrew courses you can possibly find!
Created by top ulpan teachers specifically for Hebrew learners – now with an exclusive offer via our website, including a free bonus course! For full details and to watch a short 5 minute demo clip click here!
English Hebrew by Subject (Book + 12 Hour Audio CD)
Discover how your Hebrew vocabulary, pronunciation and self-expression can be radically improved with this best selling book, endorsed by the Jewish Agency! All details here!
Runway Flashcards
The ultimate way to retain new vocabulary in whatever topic you're interested in.
Contains all the vocabulary from the book 'English Hebrew by Subject', and can be used on smartphones as well as computers and ipads and tablets! For more information click here!
EHebrew.org (Website)
A new online Hebrew dictionary, where you can learn Hebrew for free and increase your vocabulary. Words are organized into distinct topics, teaching students the most common and useful words in each subject. The site also offers a quality monthly newsletter including useful phrase-sheets for free. With over 10,000 terms and growing, www.ehebrew.org looks to be the premier thematically organized Hebrew dictionary on the internet. www.ehebrew.org
HebrewVocabulary.Net (Website)
A whole website dedicated solely for learning Hebrew vocabulary. Packed with excellent and innovative tools; tips, resources, ideas and blogs that can help you increase your Hebrew vocabulary, and ultimately improve your Hebrew as a whole. www.hebrewvocabulary.net
Hebrew Courses
Ulpan La-Inyan (Online or in Jerusalem/Tel-Aviv/Ra'anana)
Based in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Ra'anana - Ulpan La-Inyan offers the same state-of-the-art classes that they conduct in person to students anywhere in the world, collaborating over Skype instead of face-to-face (for individuals as well as groups!). We also recommend joining their 'Ktzat Ivrit - word of the day' FREE subscription that offers excellent insights to new vocabulary with plenty of examples and interesting anecdotes that will help you retain the new terms. For more info:
www.ulpan.com/courses-online.html / www.ktzat-ivrit.ulpan.com
UlpanGordon.com (Information)
An excellent website packed with great resources for anyone learning Hebrew. Though not officially associated with Ulpan Gordon
in Tel-Aviv, it does offer a lot of information about it (more than the official one does), as well as information about other
places in Israel where you can learn Hebrew. www.ulpangordon.com
Aliyah and Visiting Israel
Tourist Israel Travel Guide
Tourist Israel is Israel’s cool travel website covering the amazing Israel from the magical history and religion right through to the modern culture and adventures that await.
4Olim (Guide)
A must website for every Oleh, offering a complete visual directory of products and services in Israel for Olim Chadashim.
Olim4Olim (Aliyah Support)
You don't have to do it alone! Olim4Olim was created by olim for olim to help ease the emotional transition of Aliyah through individual, couples, family, teen and group coaching.
Aliyah Coaching Center
Coaching families through the maze of aliyah – before and after arrival! Prior to aliyah: tips regarding timing of aliyah, examining the needs of children (educational, emotional) and of parents (professionally and other commitments). On arrival: guidance through all the steps, especially school advocacy and planning a tailor made program for children.
Contact Daniella Krause, M.A, kosherfamily@gmail.com / 077-3322430 / 054-5359072
Aliyah Lift Shipping
Passionate about providing the very best in shipping from anywhere in the US and Canada to Israel.
As a full-service global shipper, Aliyah Lift Shipping provide prompt, personal and friendly service with the convenience of offices in the US and Israel.
Seminary Central
A great resource in finding out information on learning programs for Jewish women and girls of all ages and stages, with a focus on English speaking programs in Israel. Seminary programs, Jewish studies, vocational, short-term, web-based, etc. Explore your options!
Moving to Israel - The Complete Resource Guide
Information, advice and answers to any questions you may have as well as the best price when moving to Israel.
The "Prepared to Succeed" Learning Center in Modiin
Summer enrichment program for 6-12th graders, preparing students for entering Israeli middle/high school, providing the tools with which to succeed in the Bagrut, and teaching the Hebrew language skills and knowledge needed for academic subjects.
Contact Nachman Bruce: 054-9102757, preptosucceed@gmail.com
Nefesh B’Nefesh
Apart from offering assistance with the actual Aliyah procedure, NBN’s website also offers information on employment in Israel, communities in the country, education and other useful things.
Aliyah Success Ezine
A free weekly online magazine by Dr Rona Hart, delivering essential news and information related to Aliyah, easy to follow step-by-step guides, recommended reading, useful links, diary of Aliyah events in the UK and much more.
The Jewish Agency
The Ministry of Absorption
List of Uplanim in Israel (where the fees are covered by Aliyah Benefit)
WIZO Afula, Rechov Omer 5, Shikun Ovdim, 04-659-1325, 052-236-9794
Mercaz Hachvana Vocational Ulpan, Harishonim 9, 08-852-4015
Ulpan Mercazit, Rechov Atzmaut 54, 08-855-9882
Bat Yam
Ulpan Sharret, Yud Lamed Peretz 15
Be’er Sheva
Mercaz Hachvana - Vocational Ulpan, Yehoshua HaTsoref 7 (Michlelet Atid), 08-627-2019
Beit Shemesh
Matnas Ramat Beit Shemesh, 16 Nachal Dolev, 02-991-0621
Gush Etzion
Gush Etzion Matnas Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion (Gush Etzion, Efrat), 02-993-9933
Carmel Etzion Ulpan, Harbor Campus, Haifa University, etzion-carmel@jafi.org
Mercaz Hachvana - Vocational Ulpan, Hamusachim 25, 04-872-3802/3
Ministry of Absorption Haifa Regional Ulpanim, Mercaz Klita Aba Chushi Hamiginim 31, 04-856-7643
Ulpan Etzion-HaNamal, 04-835-6149 (Karen Doryoseph),
Beit HaOleh Holon, 25 Geuliim Holon, 03-550-7265, 03-556-1523
Beit Haam-Gerard Behar Center Public University, 11 Bezalel St. 02-625-4156
Beit Ulpana, Rechov Zerach Barnett 6, Har Nof, 052-763-9401 (Doley Landman)
Machon Meir, 2 Sderot HaMeiri, 02-6511906
Neve Ya'acov Matnas Morasha, 02-583-4473, 054-433-1257
Neve Yaacov Community Center, 38A Sd. Neveh Ya'akov, 02-583-3652
Philip Leon, 8 Chili Street, Kiryat HaYovel, 02-641-4896
Pisgat Zeev Community Center, Hashisha Asar 2, 02-584-8900, 02-584-8908
Ulpan Etzion – Beit Canada, David Raziel St. 27, Armon Hanatziv, 02-673-4201/2
Ulpan for Olim Teenagers, 14 Gideon St., Baka, 02-673-1293, 052-287-4209
Ulpan for the Blind, Binyan Shaarei Hair, Rechov Yaffo 216, 02-538-8955
Ulpan for the Hearing Impaired, Beit Hellen Keller, Israel Deaf Association, Rechov Mevo Hamatmid 12, 02-623-4391
Ulpan Morasha (Touro College), Morasha Community Center, 22 Rehov Shivtei Yisrael, 02-628-1032
Ulpanit Haoleh (Previously in Beit Mitchell now in Beit Ha'am), 11 Bezalel St. 052-831-3949
Yeshivat Dvar Yerushalayim Ulpan, 53 Katzenellenbogen Street, 02-652-2817/ 2818, 02-652-6217
Kiryat Shmona
Kiryat HaNoar, Eshkol Aleph, 04-694-1680
Ma'ale Adumim
Ma'ale Adumim Community Center, 050 – 8296470 (Shelley Brin)
Hashmonaim, Glenwood Synagogue Bet Midrash, 054-210-1778 (Elisa Wirtshafter)
Modiin Municipality, Klitah Department Trailer Site, 08-972-6198
Ulpan Be'eri, Beit Sefer Be'eri, Rechov Bar Ilan, 09-834-1223
Kibbutz Sdeh Eliyahu
kibbutz sde eliyah emek bet shaan N.D.10810, 054-6640201, 054-5640685
Petach Tikva
Ulpan HaPorsim, Rechov HaPorsim 18, 03-924-6752; 03-923-6530
Ulpan Raanana-Mercaz Klitah, Raanana Mercaz Klita 13 Hasharon St., 09-774-4928, 09-774-5740
Rishon LeTzion
Ulpan Achva, Beit Seffer Be'eri, Borochov St. 18, 03-966-2482
Mercaz Hachvana - Vocational Ulpan, Derech Menachem Begin 116 (Bet Kalka), 03-561-4546 or 03-562-1615
Municipal Ulpan Office- Ulpan Gold, Beit Ariella, 03-522-3181
Ulpan for the Blind, Mercaz Rav Sherutim Le'ivrim, Agra St.28, 03-687-0798
Ulpan Gordon, 7 La Salle St., 03-522-3095, 03-522-3181
Ulpan Maale, Rechov Hatikva 78 Shkunat Hatikva, 03-687-9822
Zichron Yaakov
Ulpan Zichron Yaakov, New Community Center, 04-629-7182 |